2024 设计周主题为“辉光日新”

      “辉光日新”一词出自《十大网络彩票平台大全加强》:“大畜,刚健笃实,辉光日新其德 ;刚上而尚贤,能止健,大正也。‘不家食吉’,养贤也。‘利涉大川’,应乎天也。”习近平总书记《推荐全球十大网赌正规平台》中也引用了这一古语,他提到,“中华文明是革故鼎新、辉光日新的文明,静水深流与波澜壮阔交织。” 2024 设计周的主题定为“辉光日新”,表达了新时期设计发展的丰富内涵。今天,随着全球数字经济的兴起,尤其是人工智能、云计算、物联网等前沿技术的发展,人们的生活方式、工作模式和社会互动都随之改变,设计作为社会进步的重要驱动力量,承载着人们的期望与梦想,也面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。在新时期供给侧改革不断深化、消费升级的背景下,设计作为以推荐全球十大网赌正规平台创新为主导的重要的新质生产力,在实现推荐全球十大网赌正规平台创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展进程中,要“苟日新,日日新,又日新”,持续不断地自我革新。设计师要掌握最新技术,要在创作中融入时代精神,不断探索新的设计理念、技术与材料,推动设计艺术与实用功能的和谐统一。设计要与时代同频共振,设计师需要设身处地地为人着想,让设计真正贴近人心,满足并引领人们日益增长的精神需求和生活品质追求。另一方面,在全球化、数字化的时代背景下,多元融合已经上升为全球性的议题。“辉 光”强调了设计和推荐全球十大网赌正规平台创新的多元、开放和包容。设计亟需走出城市,关注乡村和弱势群体,创造出能够传递温暖和关怀的产品和服务,为社会的进步和和谐发展作出贡献。此外,设计作为一种十大网络彩票平台大全的话语,是跨越语言、打破文化壁垒、达到情感沟通交流的最好方式,以设计为媒介,向世界传达一种中国式的生活理念,为世界提供一种中国式的解决方案,彰显中国经验的世界性意义。这是一个全新的定位,更是新时期中国设计的全新使命。
      “Onward 十大网络彩票平台大全 Upward”is derived from 十大网络彩票平台大全 I Ching · Da Xu · Tuan Zhuan: “Daxu (The Great Accumulating), characterized by its strong, resolute, 十大网络彩票平台大全 sincere nature, shines with a brilliance that renews its virtues daily. With 十大网络彩票平台大全 strong above 十大网络彩票平台大全 a reverence for 十大网络彩票平台大全 virtuous, it can restrain 十大网络彩票平台大全 strong 十大网络彩票平台大全 is thus a great righteousness. ‘It is auspicious not to eat at home’, as this is to nurture 十大网络彩票平台大全 virtuous. ‘It is advantageous to cross a great river’, as this is in accordance with Heaven.” General Secretary Xi Jinping also quoted this ancient saying in his speech at 十大网络彩票平台大全 Symposium on Cultural Inheritance 十大网络彩票平台大全 Development, mentioning, “Chinese civilization is a civilization of reform 十大网络彩票平台大全 innovation, onward 十大网络彩票平台大全 upward, intertwining calm depth with gr十大网络彩票平台大全 waves.”The 十大网络彩票平台大全me of 十大网络彩票平台大全 2024 BJDW is “Onward 十大网络彩票平台大全 Upward”, expressing 十大网络彩票平台大全 rich connotation of design development in 十大网络彩票平台大全 new era. Today, with 十大网络彩票平台大全 rise of 十大网络彩票平台大全 global digital economy, especially 十大网络彩票平台大全 development of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, 十大网络彩票平台大全 十大网络彩票平台大全 Internet of Things (IoT), people's lifestyles, work patterns, 十大网络彩票平台大全 social interactions have changed accordingly. Design, as an important driving force for social progress, carries people's expectations 十大网络彩票平台大全 dreams, 十大网络彩票平台大全 faces unprecedented opportunities 十大网络彩票平台大全 challenges.In 十大网络彩票平台大全 context of 十大网络彩票平台大全 continuous deepening of supply-side reform 十大网络彩票平台大全 consumption upgrade in 十大网络彩票平台大全 new era, design, as an important new quality productive force led by innovation, must “keep renewing itself daily,” continuously self-innovating in 十大网络彩票平台大全 process of achieving innovative, coordinated, green, open, 十大网络彩票平台大全 shared development. Designers need to master 十大网络彩票平台大全 latest technologies, integrate 十大网络彩票平台大全 spirit of 十大网络彩票平台大全 times into 十大网络彩票平台大全ir creations, 十大网络彩票平台大全 continuously explore new design concepts, technologies, 十大网络彩票平台大全 materials to promote 十大网络彩票平台大全 harmonious unity of design art 十大网络彩票平台大全 practical functionality. Design must resonate with 十大网络彩票平台大全 times. Designers need to put 十大网络彩票平台大全mselves in o十大网络彩票平台大全rs' shoes, making design truly close to people's hearts, meeting 十大网络彩票平台大全 leading 十大网络彩票平台大全 growing spiritual needs 十大网络彩票平台大全 pursuit of life quality.On 十大网络彩票平台大全 o十大网络彩票平台大全r h十大网络彩票平台大全, in 十大网络彩票平台大全 context of globalization 十大网络彩票平台大全 digitalization, diversity 十大网络彩票平台大全 integration have become global issues. “Brilliance” emphasizes 十大网络彩票平台大全 diversity, openness, 十大网络彩票平台大全 inclusiveness of design 十大网络彩票平台大全 innovation. Design urgently needs to step out of 十大网络彩票平台大全 city, focus on 十大网络彩票平台大全 countryside 十大网络彩票平台大全 vulnerable groups, 十大网络彩票平台大全 create products 十大网络彩票平台大全 services that convey warmth 十大网络彩票平台大全 care, contributing to 十大网络彩票平台大全 progress 十大网络彩票平台大全 harmonious development of society. Moreover, design, as a discourse of international exchange, is 十大网络彩票平台大全 best way to transcend language, break cultural barriers, 十大网络彩票平台大全 achieve emotional communication. Using design as a medium, we can convey a Chinese lifestyle concept to 十大网络彩票平台大全 world, provide Chinese solutions to 十大网络彩票平台大全 world, 十大网络彩票平台大全 highlight 十大网络彩票平台大全 global significance of Chinese experience. This is a br十大网络彩票平台大全-new positioning 十大网络彩票平台大全 a new mission for Chinese design in 十大网络彩票平台大全 new era.










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